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Using Your Estate Plan to Pass on Values - Part Two
INTRO: In Part One of this series, I introduced you to a young father named Curt whose grandfather's last will and testament provided his...

Using Your Estate Plan to Pass on Values - Part One
INTRO: Here's the story of a special project I completed for a client some months ago. My client is a young father - I'll call him Curt....
LEGACY PLANNING: Use Video As Part of Your Estate Plan
ou should invest in a Legacy Video – the centerpiece of a 21st Century Estate Plan – because it will tell your story; because stories...

TRUST ADMINISTRATION: "Summary" Estate Administration
Sometimes, circumstances are such that a decedent did not have a Revocable Living Trust, but a full Probate proceeding may not be...

The New World of "Digital Legacy"
In our increasingly digital world, we are facing new questions about what to do with our social media, websites and Internet applications...

The Law and Unintended Consequences - Part Two
INTRO: The estate planning "game" is one every adult plays, but some play more actively and more intelligently than others. The challenge...

The Law and Unintended Consequences - Part One
INTRO: The estate planning "game" is one every adult plays, but some play more actively and more intelligently than others. The challenge...

The Elephant in the Room - Long Term Care - Part Two
INTRO: In Part One of this series, we discussed how life expectancies are steadily rising and the importance of having a long term care...

The Elephant in the Room - Long Term Care - Part One
INTRO: Life expectancies are steadily rising. Generally, healthier lifestyles and meaningful advances in medicine bode well for this...

Revocable Transfer on Death Deed - Part One
INTRO: After many attempts during recent years, the California legislature recently passed, and the governor signed, an interesting new...

Reviewing Your Estate Plan – A New Year’s Resolution – Part One
INTRO: Time to talk about New Year’s resolutions, and specifically about considering whether or not it is in your best interest to...
REAL ESTATE: Pitfalls of Intra-Family Real Estate Transactions – Part Two
INTRO: In Part One of this series, I spoke about real estate transactions that frequently involve overlapping estate planning...
REAL ESTATE: Pitfalls of Intra-Family Real Estate Transactions – Part One
INTRO: Estate planning and real estate are the areas upon which my law practice is focused. As such, I periodically advise and assist...

READ: Protect Your Assets – Before It’s Too Late
We live in a world that loves to litigate. Protecting yourself and your assets is therefore of the utmost importance. As this blog post...

READ: Procrastination – Science and Remedy
INTRO: During the course of my 22 years of practicing law in the estate planning arena, a large percentage of my clients communicate that...

READ NOW: The Estate Planning “Game” – How the Rules Work
INTRO: The estate planning “game” is one every adult plays, but some play more actively and more intelligently than others. The challenge...

READ NOW: Estate Planning for IRAs – 7 Rules to Know
INTRO: Many people have a significant portion of their wealth in their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Yet, the rules related to...

READ: How to Choose a Trustee
Establishing a Revocable Living Trust for yourself and your family is worthwhile for many reasons I’ve written about previously,...
LEGAL READ: Home Real Estate Planning Alternatives
Home values in this area have rebounded nicely since the downturn about 5 years ago. So, the future appears brighter for older property...

READ: Estate Planning for Blended Families
Remarriage is on the rise, particularly among older adults. Approximately 20% of adults in the United States have been married two or...
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